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Out of round rolls and other defects such as corrugations caused by non-uniform roll hardness profiles are a major cause of lost production for both producers and converters alike. A reliable measurement of the roll hardness profile is of critical importance in deciding whether a roll is good or bad. Proceq’s instruments give the production staff the support they need to quickly and reliably test the roll hardness and to interpret the results as efficiently as possible. It enables the user to quickly and precisely diagnose roll imperfections, hardness inconsistencies and uneven winding, thereby preventing problems for printing and converting operations.

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Equotip 550 Leeb U

Equotip 550 Leeb U

Versatile Leeb hardness tester for on-site testing of large rolls, thin foils, and films.

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Proceq RQ8000

Proceq RQ8000

Precision through position-based measurement

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Paper Schmidt PS8000

Paper Schmidt PS8000

Precise roll hardness testing using rebound hammer technology.

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