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In the competitive world of packaging and printing, out-of-round rolls and other defects caused by non-uniform roll hardness profiles are a major disruptor, leading to costly downtime and wasted resources. A reliable measurement of the roll hardness profile is crucial to ensure the quality and consistency of production. Quickly and accurately assess roll hardness, make informed decisions about roll quality and prevent costly issues down the line.

Explore film and paper roll hardness testing solutions

Hard Roll Testing

Rapidly test the hardness of paper and foil rolls in demanding production environments.

Medium to Soft Roll Testing

Leverage reliable hardness testing of paper, film, foil, textile, cardboard, and leather rolls.

Roll Profile Testing

Ensure high precision and accurate testing of thin film rolls, very thin foils, and coated rolls.

Non-destructive testing solutions for assessing roll hardness

Non-destructive testing (NDT) solutions offer a versatile and effective approach for measuring roll hardness without compromising the structural integrity of the material. These methods provide valuable insights into the quality and integrity of foil and paper rolls, enabling manufacturers to identify potential defects inconsistencies early on.

Enhance quality control

Rebound hammer testing

Gain a rapid and accurate assessment of roll hardness with rebound hammer technology. Specifically designed for measuring the hardness of paper rolls,the Paper Schmidt PS8000 rebound hammer is an effective, durable solution from light duty paper to heavy-duty industrial rolls.

Foil and Paper Roll Hardness Testing Rebound Hammer

Paper Schmidt PS8000

Roll hardness testing using rebound hammer technology

Achieve outstanding precision

Leeb hardness testing

When you need to measure the hardness of a wide range of roll types such as paper, film, foil, textile, plastic, leather and cardboard rolls, Leeb hardness testing is a versatile option. With immediate visual assessment of the hardness profile and direct data reporting the Equotip 550 Leeb U delivers exceptional user experience for precise and actionable results.

Leeb rebound hardness tester

Equotip 550 Leeb U

Leeb hardness on-site testing of large rolls, thin foils, and films

Streamline operations

Position-based measurement

For applications such as printing and packaging, position-based roll hardness testers are an excellent choice. The Proceq RQ8000 is a trusted position-based paper roll quality tester, designed for efficient and reliable measurement of paper roll and machine roll hardness profile. The RQ8000 paper roll quality tester is an accurate system to detect reels that need to be excluded in printing or converting processes.

Paper Roll Quality Tester

Proceq RQ8000

Outstanding precision through position-based quality measurement

Interested in a free quote for roll hardness testing solutions?

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