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Application Note

Oil and Gas Rock Core: Quick Rock Structure Characterization

Evaluating the rock structure is a crucial process before drilling. Oil and gas companies pull sample rock cores from the planned drill site to perform a thorough geophysical evaluation of the rock structure. This application note covers quick and reliable hardness testing measurements of the rock cores.

Evaluating rock structure before drilling

Infrastructure & Asset Inspection of Concrete Structures



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This application note describes how to assess oil and gas rock core structure before drilling.

Evaluation on rock structure for optimizing the extraction of the resource.

Before drilling, oil and gas companies pull sample rock cores from the planned drill site and perform a thorough geophysical evaluation of the rock structure. The hardness test is one of the key tests to categorize the rock cores.

From the results of the rock structure categorization, a detailed plan can be created to optimize the extraction of the resource.



Quick and reliable measurement with the Leeb method

The Equotip Live Leeb D is the ideal solution to quickly check the hardness of rock cores. In order to properly evaluate the rock structure, large amounts of data has to be collected every day. This requires that the test be easily and quickly performed and that the results are highly repeatable.

The unique rebound method of Equotip Leeb testers provides the perfect solution to the request. Especially the ultra-portable Equotip Live Leeb D makes it very convenient for customers to take it on the drilling site for quick screening or in the lab for detailed evaluation.

Secure data storage for huge daily data collection

A huge amount of data is collected every day. Previously it was a big pain for customers to either write down the data by hand on a piece of paper or store them via a USB stick. With secure web storage provided by Equotip Live Leeb D, unlimited data can be stored with the highest safety and accessibility.

All the data can be accessed online immediately either from the PC or from a mobile device. Furthermore, a statistic of data is automatically calculated and shown online as well.

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